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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh

News - FS/KS1

2019/2020 School Year

30th Sep 2019
One of our priorities for this year is the well being of all our pupils, and our...

2018/2019 School Year

14th May 2019
As part of our structured play, the role play has been changed into a...
10th Apr 2019
With the delightful weather, we have had the chance to enjoy the outdoors. ...
9th Apr 2019
With the beautiful weather arriving this week, Key Stage Two children took advantage,...
14th Mar 2019
 Sr. Dolores, a local missionary sister, who works in Nigeria, visited school...
13th Feb 2019
Y1-4 have been super busy this week making their very own Valentine's pottery. They...
11th Jan 2019
Lucy from Cancer Focus visited our school this morning to discuss means of keeping...
10th Jan 2019
Year 1 and Year 2 children have had a great time in our 'Cafe'.  They have...
20th Dec 2018
All children have made a variety of beautiful and seasonal crafts and cards over...
14th Dec 2018
We had a fun filled and busy day in St. Brigid's on Friday 14th December. ...