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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh

News - FS/KS1

2016/2017 School Year

14th Feb 2017
Love was in the air when Foundation and Key Stage 1 made beautiful Valentine trees...
13th Feb 2017
During our winter topic the KS1 pupils found out that birds find it hard to find...
10th Feb 2017
As a extension of our work on Winter festivals, the children made a Chinese...
3rd Feb 2017
As St. Brigid is the patron saint of our school, we always celebrate her feast day. ...
31st Jan 2017
Foundation and Key Stage One children have been exploring and discussing Chinese...
30th Jan 2017
January Lego club saw every group design and build a boat, which they believed would...
25th Jan 2017
Year 3 and Year 4 boys made wonderful snowmen for our "Winter" topic with the...
20th Jan 2017
Foundation and Key Stage 1 pupils went on a scavenger hunt today.   Each child...
13th Jan 2017
With the wintry weather visiting Glenelly valley today, we used it as an fun...
10th Jan 2017
The new year sees the home area in the Foundation Stage classroom changed to a 'Cafe'....