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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh

News - KS2

2018/2019 School Year

4th Oct 2018
As part of our current topic,’Mighty Me’, we have been learning all...

2017/2018 School Year

22nd Jun 2018
Annual prize giving took place on Friday 22nd June 2018.  We had a wonderful...
14th Jun 2018
'Friends of St. Brigid's' held a bring and buy sale on Tuesday 12th June. ...
13th Jun 2018
Last Thursday, Year Seven travelled to CelticPark, Derry, to celebrate Fan the Flame...
8th Jun 2018
In St. Brigid's P.S., the week beginning 4th June was 'Science Week'.  During...
31st May 2018
Yesterday we had our Sports day,  kindly sponsored by Eurospar Draperstown.  The...
25th May 2018
We had a most enjoyable morning with Ian Patterson and his fantastic Birds of Prey. ...
16th May 2018
Last Friday, W5 visited St. Brigid's, as part of their outreach programme. ...
23rd Apr 2018
Monday 23rd saw KS2 travel to Strabane Sigersons to participate in a football blitz....
16th Apr 2018
As part of their ICT work during the topic of 'The Titanic', all children completed...