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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2023/2024 School Year

1st Feb 2024
To celebrate the occasion of Catholic Schools week we had a gathering in school...
24th Jan 2024
As part of our activities for Catholic Schools Week, we spent time today reflecting...
24th Jan 2024
  Parenting NI , committed to supporting parents and ensuring that their...
23rd Jan 2024
Catholic Schools Week takes place this week on the theme of Catholic Schools as...
21st Dec 2023
Over the past few weeks all pupils have been busy preparing for Christmas. We created...
13th Dec 2023
On Wednesday 6th December our wonderful pupils put on our annual Nativity Play,...
13th Dec 2023
‘Friends of St. Brigid’s’ organised a very successful wreath making...
8th Dec 2023
Today we celebrated ‘Save the Children’ Christmas Jumper Day, where...
1st Dec 2023
Today (1st Dec ) we started our December Daily Mile by participating in Northern...
10th Nov 2023
once again, we are participating in the Christmas shoebox appeal. This year we were...