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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2023/2024 School Year

27th Jun 2024
As part of EA’s Being Well, Doing Well Programme, we present the Self-care...
24th Jun 2024
On Friday 21st June we held our annual Prize-Giving ceremony, where we celebrated...
13th Jun 2024
For the past term, Mrs. Coyle’s class have been learning all about the Olympics....
13th Jun 2024
On Wednesday 12th June, our Year 7 pupils  invited their parents into school...
10th Jun 2024
We were delighted to hold our Sports Day last Friday 7th June, despite a dodgy weather...
10th Jun 2024
Y7 and Mrs. Coyle travelled to Celtic Park, Derry last Thursday 6th June to celebrate...
10th Jun 2024
Last Wednesday 5th June Mrs. Coyle’s class were delighted to attend the Matthew...
31st May 2024
On Thursday 30th May pupils and staff headed off  on our annual end of year...
28th May 2024
On Friday 24th May, Mrs. Coyle's class visited our local river, Glenelly River,...
23rd May 2024
Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to inspire and celebrate outdoor learning...