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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh

Science Week

8th Jun 2018

In St. Brigid's P.S., the week beginning 4th June was 'Science Week'.  During the week teachers dedicated a slot of their timetable each day  to scientific investigations. 

The week began with a Science themed assembly, where each child had the opportunity to hear their own heartbeat using a stethoscope.

Year 1 to Year 4 children have had great fun completing a diverse range a of scientific activities such as paint mixing, chromatography, making slime, planting seeds, cleaning pennies and observing the weather.

In the KS2 classroom, pupils explored electrical circuits, located and identified woodland minibeasts, tested materials to find out if they were magnetic or not, and investigated solids, liquids and gases.

During the investigations, pupils made use of a large range of scientific skills, such as observing, predicting, measuring, questioning and fair testing.

Resources used were purchased through the Edina Trust.