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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh

Catholic Schools Week

23rd Jan 2024

Catholic Schools Week takes place this week on the theme of Catholic Schools as 'Communities of Service'.

In Catholic schools, Jesus is our role model and teacher.  Jesus served every person regardless of creed, background, faith, social status or age.  Jesus put faith into action by showing all those around him how to be compassionate, courageous and forgiving.  Jesus didn’t just talk about His faith; He lived it.

We are called by faith to go into the world to share the love of God with all those we meet.  Each person is called to serve with a humble heart and with a generous spirit.

During Catholic Schools Week each class will explore how they act as communities of service in different environments and we will look at the following themes:

  • Service in Our Community of Friends
  • Service in Our School Community
  • Service in Our Family Community
  • Service in Our Local Community
  • Service in Our Faith Community

    On Monday, the pupils talked about being a good friend. We listened to how Jesus taught Zaccheus to be a better person and we discussed what we could do to help others.
On Tuesday, we learned about how to be welcoming and inclusive in our school communities. The pupils enjoyed hearing a moving story called, ‘My name is not Refugee.’ We will continue to focus on ‘service’ throughout the week.