Access Keys:

St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2018/2019 School Year

5th Oct 2018
The Road of Hope shoe boxes will be collected on Monday  5th November 2018...
4th Oct 2018
As part of our current topic,’Mighty Me’, we have been learning all...
3rd Oct 2018
The Book Fair will arrive at St.Brigid's P.S. Cranagh on the 5th October and...
14th Sep 2018
We were very sad to hear that John, our loyal bus driver was leaving us for the...
13th Sep 2018
A very warm welcome to our new Year One pupils- we hope you have a wonderful year.
13th Sep 2018
Year 1 and Year 2 children enjoyed an autumn walk this week, to see for themselves...

2017/2018 School Year

29th Jun 2018
We travelled to Letterkenny yesterday to visit Lurgyback Farm and Arena 7, all pupils...
22nd Jun 2018
Annual prize giving took place on Friday 22nd June 2018.  We had a wonderful...
15th Jun 2018
We marked Healthy Living week by doing the morning mile every morning.  On...
14th Jun 2018
'Friends of St. Brigid's' held a bring and buy sale on Tuesday 12th June. ...