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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2018/2019 School Year

10th Apr 2019
Year 1 to Year 4 children have been learning all about the different minibeasts...
10th Apr 2019
Following on from our topic 'Farming' we had the opportunity to visit a local...
9th Apr 2019
With the beautiful weather arriving this week, Key Stage Two children took advantage,...
4th Apr 2019
Our current topic for Learning Through Play is "The Farm". The boys and...
26th Mar 2019
This term we changed the role play area in to a science lab.  The children...
14th Mar 2019
Y1 to Year 4 children made a lovely selection of St. Patrick's Day crafts to take...
14th Mar 2019
 Sr. Dolores, a local missionary sister, who works in Nigeria, visited school...
7th Mar 2019
As part of World Book Day all children were delighted to have the opportunity...
6th Mar 2019
in preparation for Lent, Key Stage Two pupils visited St. Patricks’s Church...
6th Mar 2019
Tuesday 5th March was Pancake Tuesday. KS2 pupils enjoyed making the pancake batter,...