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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2019/2020 School Year

19th Dec 2019
Over the past week Year 1 to Year 3 children have been busy making a selection of...
18th Dec 2019
Year 1 to Year 3 children decorated some gingerbread biscuits and shortbread with...
17th Dec 2019
Our pupils performed their Christmas Play on Wednesday 11th December, 2019 in...
6th Dec 2019
On Thursday we were treated to a lovely Christmas dinner in school.
5th Dec 2019
If your child is starting pre-school or primary school in September 2020, you can...
25th Nov 2019
To celebrate our 60th anniversary,our pupils created a promotional video, which...
25th Nov 2019
Colleen Goulding an Occupational Therapist from RISE visited the P1 class today. ...
12th Nov 2019
A volunteer from 'Road of Hope' shoebox appeal visited our school today to collect...
29th Oct 2019
Today we had our annual Halloween party in school.  The children had opportunities...
29th Oct 2019
Year 1 to Year 3 children recently enjoyed the topic of Superheroes.  Please...