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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2020/2021 School Year

10th Dec 2020
Key Stage Two have just finished their topic for this term, Magnificent Machines. ...
10th Dec 2020
In order to raise funds for our school, and to foster a sense of community within...
10th Dec 2020
Thanks to the Edina Bulb Project, we were able to upgrade our outdoor planting area. ...
10th Dec 2020
Our Christmas play was a little different this year, due to Covid restrictions. ...
9th Oct 2020
Today during Our World Around session we continued working on our topic of "Change...
15th Sep 2020
The children in Key Stage Two invented a Technology trial during break. They enjoyed...
14th Sep 2020
Today Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children took advantage of the lovely morning...

2019/2020 School Year

29th Jun 2020
On Friday 26th June, we had a farewell ceremony for our Year Sevens, along with...
31st May 2020
Please see below a recent slideshow to illustrate the varied and exciting home learning...
19th May 2020
I received this information this morning, which may be of interest to some families....