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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2023/2024 School Year

27th Oct 2023
Y4 to Y7 created spooky Halloween art this week. Lots of Haunted Houses away home...
27th Oct 2023
St. Brigid’s was full of ghosts, ghouls, witches and wizards today as we celebrated...
26th Oct 2023
As part of our topic work, Year 4 to Year 7 have been learning all about Stone Age...
26th Oct 2023
As part of the National Lottery Rural Heritage Programme, we were given the opportunity...
26th Oct 2023
We celebrated Maths Week last week by completing a Parental Involvement in Numeracy...
10th Oct 2023
St Brigid's P.S. are participating in Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal. ...
8th Oct 2023
Over the last week, Mrs. Coyle’s class have been learning all about instructional...
21st Sep 2023
We welcome to St. Brigid's P.S. Cranagh our new Primary Ones - Alicia and Conor. ...