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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2019/2020 School Year

5th Mar 2020
We celebrated World Book Day by having all children dress up as their favourite...
5th Mar 2020
Eight of our pupils travelled to the poetry feis in Strabane last weekend. ...
4th Mar 2020
At a recent school council meeting, pupils gave a very good case for regular morning...
28th Feb 2020
Sandra from Young Enterprise visited our school on Wednesday to deliver the introductory...
25th Feb 2020
We found out all about the history behind Shrove Tuesday and celebrated Pancake...
13th Feb 2020
This week the boys and girls in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 have been very busy getting...
12th Feb 2020
Year 1 to Year 3 children had a great time out in the snow today.
7th Feb 2020
Our outdoor environment was utilised you full capacity today during our breaks....
3rd Feb 2020
To mark the closing of Catholic Schools Week, we celebrated St.Brigid's Day and...
30th Jan 2020
Year 1 to Year 3 children worked on a display to celebrate our school's 60th anniversary. ...