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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2017/2018 School Year

23rd Oct 2017
The school dentist came to visit our class today.  She spoke about the importance...
23rd Oct 2017
'Friends of St. Brigid's' held their annual Halloween party on Friday evening past. ...
22nd Oct 2017
To mark Maths Week Ireland, children enjoyed practical Maths activities for homework...
13th Oct 2017
As part of our topic, 'Where in the World?', KS2 have been learning about Celtic...
12th Oct 2017
Year 1 and Year 2 children are learning about routines at home.  They practised...
12th Oct 2017
Year 1 to Year 4 children have been looking at 'Newspaper Reports' and...
11th Oct 2017
After almost six weeks of school, KS2 eventually got the opportunity to have PE...
10th Oct 2017
Our annual Halloween party in St.Brigid's Primary School will be on 20th October...
3rd Oct 2017
Years 5, 6 and 7 joined pupils of St. Peter's today to visit Butterlope Farm. We...
2nd Oct 2017
Road of Hope will visit our school this year again to collect shoeboxes for their...