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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2016/2017 School Year

1st Jun 2017
We had our annual sports day on Wednesday 31st May 2017.  The weather remained...
31st May 2017
Well done to all boys and girls in Key Stage Two who participated in the recent...
31st May 2017
Year Six and Seven are progressing extremely well with their Cycling Proficiency...
18th May 2017
On Thursday 11th May, Y1 and Y2  pupils and their parents were invited...
16th May 2017
Our new topic in class is fairy tales.  We read the story of the 'Gingerbread...
10th May 2017
With the lovely weather the children have had a enjoyable time outside with the...
5th May 2017
'Friends of St.Brigid's' organised a very successful flower arranging class with...