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St. Brigid's Primary School, Cranagh


2016/2017 School Year

6th Apr 2017
Lego Club fished with the same high levels of creativity and imagination with which...
6th Apr 2017
Sr. Dolores kindly visited our school to talk to the older children about her life...
31st Mar 2017
Thursday 30th March saw our whole school travelling to Strabane to compete in the...
20th Mar 2017
As part of our involvement with BBC Terrific Scientific, KS2 investigated if warm...
20th Mar 2017
World Book Day was celebrated a week late in St. Brigid's, due to us being closed...
16th Mar 2017
To celebrate Mother's Day Foundation and Key Stage 1 children made a variety...
8th Mar 2017
With the beginning of Lent approaching, the school council children expressed their...
8th Mar 2017
All pupils designed and built a playground, very impressive parks were created,...
15th Feb 2017
As a mid term treat, Lego Club was an hour of free choice, where everyone could...
15th Feb 2017
All pupils attending Lego Club had an opportunity to make mazes for marbles, which...